Your Helicopter. Our Job.

With stateoftheart technical expertise and infrastructure, JJGK Aero offers a full range of services for the Super Puma range. We distinguish ourselves by our active listening to our partners as well as the understanding and anticipation of their needs. We guarantee the best in an optimal time for each device entrusted to us.
Aéronef de dos

Our Vision

Created in 2018 by four professional aeronautics partners each with more than 30 years of experience in this field, with the desire to address a lack of Airbus heavy helicopter maintenance infrastructure. JJGK Aero brings together all technical capabilities in a stateoftheart MRO center, dedicated to the service of aeronautics.
By choosing JJGK Aero, our partners can be assured that their helicopters are in the hands of qualified professionals who are dedicated to providing a tailormade response.
Les quatre dirigeants JJGK Aero

Our Directors

Four partners, with extensive experience in the aviation world, have developed a comprehensive expertise in all areas of helicopter operations, including offshore operations, sea rescue missions and aerial work.
This international experience, covering both the civil and military sectors, has enabled them to acquire an indepth knowledge of the aeronautical requirements dear to our partners.
J-C Laget travaillant sur aéronef

Our Agreements

All the approvals and certifications held by JJGK Aero testify its expertise and its ambition to meet all the expectations of its partners.
These approvals allow the company to work on different helicopter models and suppliers, providing flexibility and adaptability that is rare in the industry.